Munich School of Ancient Philosophy

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DFG Workshop: Aristotle's Prior Analytics II.23-27


Aristotle, Prior Analytics II 23-27
Sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Friday, 19 th July 2019
Munich School of Ancient Philosophy, Seminarraum 433 (4 th floor)
Leopoldstraße 11b, 80802 Munich

9:45-10:00 Coffee and welcome

10:00-10:30 The Greek Text of APr II 23-27 (Pieter Sjoerd Hasper)

10:30-11:40 II 23-24 Induction and example (Laura M. Castelli)

11:45-13:00 II 25 Reduction of a problem to another (Justin Vlasits)

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00-15:15 II 26 Objection (Marko Malink)

15:30-16:45 II 27 (down to 72a38) Inference from signs I (Melina Vogiatzi)

17:00-18:15 II 27 (from 72b1) Inference from signs II (Fabian Ruge)